
Security & Trust

Rising sun. Every day a new arisen, a new day, a new luck.

One of the basic things that we have, and we don’t consider it as a daily miracle – it’s the daily raising of the sun.

Day by day, since we are born, we go to sleep at dark and we get up when the sun is up firm, new, strong, powerful and alive.
We give a glance at the window and the light is all over the room, and we are ready to start our busy lives.

Once in a while we are taken by surprise from the beauty of the rising sun or the sunset. If it happends and we have the time to share with nature, to consume the beauty that we see, not just as an obvious matter. (the only time some of us see the sun rises is on a rash day taking a flight somewhere.)

Day by day we are up in the morning and the sun is up waiting to cheer us up! The sun embraces us daily with warmth and a smile. Undoubtedly, we see & feel it as it gives each one of us the security to go on with our daily routine. No hesitation or concern about the basic existence of our world.
We cannot even imagine the world without the sun, it’s so obvious it will appear tomorrow again!

Our basic security in life is the knowledge that tomorrow what ever happens, the sun will rise again with a smile. (the ‘smile’ is :-)seen individually, some see the sun with a grim face.)
Our basic security in life is based on that knowledge. Can we imagine our lives without the sun up there?
Is it possible to think of our existence without knowing that the sun will rise tomorrow morning again?

On sleepless nights (like I had tonight), one is turning in bed for hours, getting up to drink some water, going to the toilet once or twice, and than the questions arises, or more so the prayer: I wish the sun will get up there!
Our nightmare will be over, we’ll start our daily routine, and we’ll forget our little prayer. But can we start our day to day life without the sun watching us from above?

I was lucky to choose to go to a 4 day course: Polarity therapy and wellness, presented by Mikael Spector.
In that workshop the point of trust was raised up.

We are dealing with the subject of TRUST unconsciously and it’s one basis to reach a peace of mind. It’s about trusting yourself and trusting others. On a different level, it’s the trust & knowledge & the security that we have – that the sun will rise again tomorrow.

Mikael Spector is a man that projects his knowledge, healing abilities also his energy in an impact way to his students. I trust my feelings to feel & see it in such a short time. Meeting Mikael had a different level as well for me, as he resembled by personality & even by looks my dear friend Jonathan. (Walters.) I joined the group and immediately it striked me – his resemblance, gesturs, body languish, and even his reach vocabulary.

It’s a very strange feeling to meet a person that brings up someone so vividly from ‘the other world.’
Most people that know me know hat Johnathan was a very special man and dear to me and to my family.
So, meeting Mikael, the Israeli guy that left Israel at the age of 20 to study in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in India, and since 1987 he settled in Auroville, brings me in a direct way, really like a deja vu to the voices of Johnathan.

As for Jonathan Walters, blessed his soul, the Indian culture was so much his path, his way of life. I think that all his live he longed for India.

Meeting Johnathan Trough Mikael gave me an extra force to trust myself.


Inside me

I am in Auroville, India
It’s amazing that I came to this remote place for 2 days the most, and I am already 10 days here. and to tell you… it will be difficult to depart.

This place was created 40 years ago and the ideas that led to create the place are unique.
No doubt to my opinion, there were some influences of the Kibbutz ideas, living in a community, building the town with ideas of equalities in mind etc. What is interesting that there is no religious or political ideas involved at all, (political ideas unit the Kibbutz) it’s a community that aims to integrate people from all over the world (40% are Indians). The people choose to do meditation, yoga, etc. as a way of life, and to live in a GREEN invairment, also Money is not the main motive in life.

Going so far way from home it does not mean that I am new, or changed. Leaving home means a big change for every one and especially for me. (Cancer) But I see that it gives more time to be oneself. It gives time to see others, to look at the world in a precise way, but mainly to look inside.

I am like a beginner. I am not used to think only about myself.
We always are used to put bounderies between our self by/with ‘thing we have to do’, giving attention to some one else, obligations of all kinds of things. We do neglect ourselves!

I am obliged to myself – to look inside me.


Auroville – A community in a paradise place

I am traveling with a plan, but mainly I give the chance to lead. So, by chance I met a few lovely people that live in Auroville.

It’s only half an hour drive from Pondicherry, but it’s like a different world.
I took a tuk-tuk car and came to see the place. I joint a 3 day course of introduction to Aurovill with 21 others from differnent nationalities and age groups from 18 to 70. In the group were 2 Americans, 2 Germans, 3 Israelis, 2 Indians etc.

The Community of Auroville started 40 years ago, by a remarkable woman called ‘The Mother’, and her spiritual leader Sri Aurobindo, they had a vision of an unique & different kind of community life.

“the first condition to live at Auroville is to be convinced of the essential unity and to have the will to collaborate for the material realisation of that unity.” The Mother wrote in 20.6.64 (?)
On the 28th of Feb.1968 with representatives from 124 countries that brought soil from all over the word, the foundation was put down, with the Indian government support. The first settlers lived with no running water or electricity. (I met Barbara the first woman settler.) Now there are 2000 people living in small communities. In the centre of Auroville there is an extraordinary round building – The Matriaudir, surrounded with beautiful gardens – the spiritual centre.

Auroville is a GREEN place, with great concern for the envirment. The Vegetables & fruits are organically grown, some if the houses are ‘green’ with solar electricity.They are replanting The Ever Green Tropical Forest that was demolished by the French & English.
This community is like an Utopian society, trying to build with human unity & intuitive intelligence the city & society of the future.

I am staying in Auroville a few more days to breath & feel.


Marco Pola’s adventures in India

I am in America!

Well, not to worry, I didn’t leave or run away, but I was lucky to be invited for a few days to a beautiful Hotel, the old English style hotel, and to be driven around Chennai town with a choffer! So I am calling it = America!!

But, as all the good things end quickly, I am back to reality! Curring my bags on my back, taking (today) the bus to Pondicherry. (in the south-east.)

In the bus there are 3 stuff members: One is the driver, the second is checking the tickets and the teired is operating the radio & video. Which means, he’s in charged on the music & films!!!! It’s a lovely job, and pretty important!

For 3.5 hours, we heard loud Indian songs, and than laud Indian dramatic voices of an Indian film! but funny enough, I am not complaining, I am describing the feeling & the sounds. It was like a nice blanket covering the passengers during the journey!! Than suddenly I was asked to go off, as I arrived at my destination (the rest continued). I went down with my bags, and the heavy heath of the sun started pressing my head & body!

I must say I felt so lonely! It was so friendly in the bus, every one was shaking his head to the sweet music.

(I am writing in English, so be patient with my mistakes.)


Marco Polo: Hello from New Zealand

I feel like Marco Polo.

But from now on – I am Marco Pola!

Each day I am discovering new grounds, new land. It’s wonderful to look around, and not to hurry just to enjoy each new place. The Sky looks here much wider, the air is cleaner. For me everything is new. Hope to enclose some photos from Auckland, the harbor and from the city.

Love to all from New Zealand!