Painting Thoughts on Art etc.


Midnight marks the ending of one day and the beginning of a new one with all it’s mystery

London at night is different from London during the day, it’s magical, mysterious and dreamlike.

Midnight and after, are intimate moments combining expectations, dreams and emotions.

I am looking at both paintings with joy, excitement and curiosity, as I discover new subtleties in these crystal poetical private moments.

It’s hot summer nights at June-July-August 2022

Midnight, 1
Crayons and Acrylic on canvas
100 * 100 cm

I am in a delicate mood tonight.
Listening to the night sounds, to the squeal of nature and to the celestial peaceful movements. 
After midnight the sky sparks and its waves move faster. 
Plants are waking up showing their beauty. 
A neighbor showed up. She intrigues me.
I breathe the sweet sounds of the night.

My work is eclectic, personal and bold, ranging from observations of still life and nudes to political commentary.

In these paintings I am opening the inward and outward feelings and experiences of the individual – He, She, are my main concern.

Midnight, 2
Crayons and Acrylic on canvas
100 * 100 cm

In my neighborhood after midnight the houses whisper soft dreamy bedtime stories, the trees embrace their birds, the celestial paths are clear on their way to the stars – all of these balance my existence.  

The sky in my neighborhood speaks. It gives me all the answers.

My small cactuses are my shield; they breathe like pets, whispering like a mistress.

I was waiting after midnight for the beautiful neighbor to show up, but the silence embraced me, and a cat appeared. 

These were the hot summer nights at June-July-August 2022, London

Midnight, first quick sketch
22 June 2022
Crayons and Acrylic on paper
Looking at both paintings in progress
2 December 2022

Longing for the hot summer nights….


“Model – Impressions” 

Nurit Manor’s exhibition of nudes – 2021, at The Artists House, Tel Aviv, Alcharizi St. , Israel. (*)

Opening: Artists House, Thursday July 29 2021, until: 12 August 2021.

Curator: Irit Levin

Foto on The Invitation to the Exhibition.
Model: Angelica

About Nurit Manor’s works in the “Model – Impressions” exhibition.

The exhibition “Model – Impressions” at the artists’ house opens a window into the drawings and paintings of a nude model – a classic drawing, which has been used for many years in art schools, in groups and classes, in the studio in an intimate meeting of a painter with a model or of several artists working with a model, each in his own approach to the subject. Drawing the model on paper allows hand and eye practice, study and observation. Sometimes it remains immature; Sometimes a preparatory sketch or drawing is used for painting – a draft for thoughts and feelings that will be translated into line and color.

Model: Paulina, 28.8.2021, black Ink and Pastels on Paper

The female model as an object of vision produced series of works for Manor even in the past. According to her, “drawing a model is always a challenge for me, refreshing the senses and inspiring, all the more so when drawing a fast model.” The exhibition features two sets of works: in one the focus is on the model’s face, the other is quick nude sketches on a magazine about gender. She works on several types of paper and writes using ink, charcoal, acrylic and pastel colors – creative materials she carries with her to the drawing sessions.

(ARTEFACT Magazine, London) Drawing of a model,
on a Magazine on sexuality and gender

In the cluster of model faces, the female figures are recorded on brown and white paper from several angles. Most of them do not direct their gaze – their stomachs are slightly sealed, distant, turned to the side, they do not remain anonymous – the private name is indicated on the paper next to the date they were drawn.

A drawing on “ARTEFACT” magazine.

The quick nude drawings were created on pages of “ARTEFACT” magazine, a magazine about sexuality and gender that she randomly bought in London. The inscription, the images and the symbols provided her with inspiration. This booklet, on fine paper, the size of a notebook, was also brought to the model meetings: “I pulled it out only when my eyes caught my eye – something wild, primal, in the pose and the look of the model… The hand moved quickly, the work grew as if by itself, running between the edges of a triangle – between the look of the model and visual connections which were printed in the brochure and among my feelings.” In the compositions created, the figures are immortalized in a variety of situations and positions alongside the motifs and texts on the substrate, visible and hidden between lines and spots in flickering and bright colors.

A drawing on “ARTEFACT” magazine. Subject: Gender
15.8.2021, Model: Angelica

The model’s poses, which change in short time of periods, dictate fast drawing actions. The style is formed according to changing drawing lines: minimal, expressive and direct, trying to capture an elusive essence. The technique and content are not determined in advance but are intuitively chosen according to the personal mindset, the dynamics created in the meeting with the model, and the atmosphere in the studio.

“The ‘weather’ of the people working around me is projected as a kind of super-experience that somewhat leaves its mark on me and my work.”

Model: Angelica

“Drawing a model is always a challenge for me, refreshing the senses and inspiring, all the more so – when drawing a fast drawing.” NM

מוזמנים לקרוא 2 פוסטים בעברית – על התערוכה שלי (*) ,


neighborhood & Tricycle

“Neighbourhood & Tricycle” is one from a series of paintings – “Neighbourhood, Girl’s school”, which I created in London in 2021.

Painting 2: “Neighbourhood & Tricycle“, Acrylic on canvas. 45 * 50 cm.

I came to London for a short visit, but my trip lengthened due to the coronavirus lockdown. I found myself spending much time in my AirBnB. Looking out through the back window, I was exposed to a new world, and I was inspired to create a series of paintings, the “Neighbourhood” [stamford Hill, London].

The changes in color that took place outside, day by day, hour by hour, captivated me. There was a schoolyard that felt as if it was trapped by the houses around it.

Painting 1: “Neighbourhood, Girl’s School”, Acrylic on canvas. 45 * 50 cm.

״Neighbourhood,” my initial acquaintance with the world outside my window (Stamford Hill). It was as if I had just met a new friend.

“Neighbourhood & Tricycle,” A child’s tricycle caught my eye. It had been left in the schoolyard, and the sky and houses around it were smiling. (Top pic.)

Painting 3: “Neighbourhood & Girl Jumping on Rope”, Acrylic & Oil crayons on canvas. 45 * 50 cm.

“Neighbourhood & Girl Jumping on Rope,” was created when I saw a young girl jumping rope in the schoolyard under a dreamy sky.

Painting 4: “Hey, who’s the new one in our Neighbourhood”, Acrylic on canvas. 45 * 50 cm.

“Hey, who’s the new one in our Neighbourhood?,” a painting I made when I saw the surprised look on the girls’ faces at the schoolyard, who looked at me, as I was looking at them.

“Snow in my Neighbourhood,” is a quick painting I did at the sight of the first snowfall in London.

Working on these paintings filled me with joy.


About my new book: “Aphrodite on Metzizim Beach”

The book was published on August 26, 2021, by “Eucalyptus” Publishing, arrived in stores after the holidays – on October 4, 2021

Short Stories, by Nurit Manor

In “Aphrodite on Metzizim Beach” Nurit Manor weaves different stories – funny, moral, fantasy, nostalgia, autobiography and adventures. (Hebrew)

Each story takes the reader into a different direction and angle of life. There are short stories that develop in silent steps, there are mystery stories, there are poetic and Zen stories.

Each story is accompanied by an illustration, engraving or photograph, which brings a visual aspect to the text, and takes the reader into a Journey. The drawings created by the author, in Black and white.

Eucalyptus grove, Quick drawings, 2019

A young man arrives at Metzizim Beach in Tel Aviv and meets Aphrodite. A woman travels around India and experiences an extraordinary meeting with her dead father. In another story, a young woman cries out an universal cry, in the name of the silent citizens. There is a story of a courages of a woman in Abarbanel, a psychiatric hospital, a story about a trip to a music festival in the south of France and more.

“The hedgehog and the hawk”, illustration for the story
“Till Death us do part”, lino cut, 2017

The stories take place in Israel and in different parts of the world, and the reader assimilates into the landscape, ideas, and grasps the experiences of the heroes, and breathes real life stories.

“Buddha on the Ganges”, oil on wood. I painted Buddha in the library, a wooden hut, at the Mahatma Yoga Ashram, in Rishikesh. 2016.

The thread that connects all the stories – human love, human acceptance, the hand of chance and the mysteries of fate.

A drawing for the story “Encounter in 3D”. Black ink on paper. 2020

Nurit Manor, writer and multidisciplinary artist.

On 2021 Manor presented a solo exhibition “Model – Impressions”, nudes, at The Artists’ House, Elkharizi St., Tel Aviv. 29.7.2021 – 21.8.2021

Curator: Irit Levin.

Books: “Aphrodite on Metzizim Beach” (2021), “The English School” (2013) signed under a pen name :Norah Levy (maiden name), “The Short Spring of Greta Garbo” (2005)

The design of the book and cover: Zohar Manor-Abel

India Marco Pola Marco Pola - A traveller (f) Thoughts on Art etc.

Mahatma Yoga Ashram, Rishikesh

Ganga River and Rishikesh at night [Crayons on note book]

The first time I arrived in Rishikesh was in April 2008, it was LOVE of first sight. The sights, colours, sounds and the gentleness of the people caught me.

First few steps on Laxman-Jula Bridge, Rishikesh 8.4.2008

I traveled alone but thanks to Shiva and to the Good Spirits, that I felt safe and comfortable, like I have been in India before.

Lino Cut, Rishikesh, 2019

There are some miracles in life, and my work on that Lino, on 2019 of Rishikesh is one of them.
Every evening at sun set I used to bring my tools to the best point of view in the Ashram and did my work. Some times people looked at me with strange looks, but I continued. That was like I was ordered to do it with no excuses.
And so I created day by day – the stormy waters of the Ganga, the Ashram opposite with the round arches that’s never finishes, Shiva’s majestic and glorious statue that was the place for gathering and praying and the soft most beautiful mountains around that were like cuddling us. Thanks to Shiva and the universe that I managed to finish the work.

Rishikesh is a Holly city and pilgrims arrived from all over india.

Rajasthan family in Rishikesh
My favorite Cafe in Laxman-Jhula, looking at the riverside and to the bridge. 2008.
The Cafe with the best Israeli salad in town.
Visited it regularly from 2008 – 2019

I was lucky to find in my next visit – The Mahatma Yoga Ashram, run by Yogi Ji. That was like finding my second home.

View to the river from Mahatma Yoga Ashram, Pastel drawing, 2015
My first project in the Ashram was to paint the concrete LOTUS, creating a beautiful seating area. 2015
In pic. with lovely Laura (on the left). We are keeping in-touch until now.
My next project in Mahatma Yoga Ashram was painting the gats. Bright lovely colours were most suitable for the amazing atmosphere in the Ashram. 2015
People come again and again from all over the world
A quick drawing of the beautiful Ganga river & the Himalaya mountains.
Water colour, 2016
Visiting a Cave Man, lives 15 years in a cave, always smiling. With Yogi Ji (in white) and friends.
9 Oct. 2016
Drawing Buddha in the Reading Hat was an amazing spiritual journey.
My two books are placed proudly on the top shelve.
Oil paints, 2016
The guests helped me painting, and we created a beautiful scenery of Buddha by the Ganga river.
Tal and myself in a Well Being Ceremony by the river, next to Shiva’s statue
Relaxed and happy after Painting Buddha in meditation room.
1 March 2019

Sadly because of the pandemic Mahatma Yoga Ashram, by the Ganga river, closed down on Feb. 2020. The Ashram was active for 10 years.
The Reading Hat flew away by a Hurricane storm sometime on 2018

The final project on my last visit on 2019, was an idea by Yogi Ji
who wanted to create a beautiful background with local stones and a Shrine
to welcome the guests lovingly.

The guests at the ashram came from India and from all over the world.
The Yoga classes in Mahatma Yoga Ashram were the best in town, with excellent teachers.
Yogi Ji the founder and the manager of the Ashram, was a unique teacher and spiritual leader. He taught sacred wisdom in a humble way, wearing ordinary, gave happiness and hope to every soul.

My First Drawing in Mahatma Yoga Ashram.
Water colour, 2015

Longing for Mahatma Yoga Ashram & Rishikesh 💌 March 2021