Art Projects Thoughts on Art etc.

Hope at The Western Wall, Jerusalem – New prints

Western Wall”
By Nurit Manor, Sep. 2023
Based on a painting by Bernatz, 1839
Print Club London

“Hope Between the Walls, Between the Times”

Over the course of hundreds of years, the Western Wall has been documented in painting, engraving and photography. Then women and men were praying side by side, without a partition. !!

Walling Wall – Etchings by Nurit Manor

Women and Men praying at the Western Wall”
Etching By Nurit Manor, June 2023
Based on a painting by Bernatz, 1839
Etching Center – Kibbutz Cabri, Israel

“Hope Between Walls, Between Times” – One of the subjects that dealt in the project is – about the monologue that takes place in Israel now – on the invisible and visible walls between women and men. It takes place also at the “Western Wall” – the empowering symbol, which has public, private, historic and international importance, where there is a “partition” between women and men in the praying areas.
*** This is a controversial issue – as it touches political and religious extremes in Israel.

The separation between men and women, that exists in many places in Israel now, brought the historical change to the Western Wall on Nov. 1967, after the six-day war, and a “Partition” was created. [“Mechitza”]

The Western Wall is documented in paintings, drawings, engravings and photographs from 1839 until today.

I created several works of art, to raise the issue of the right to pray without a partition, where women and men have prayed together at “Ha’Kotel” [The Western Wall] for hundreds of years. That’s based on historical works of art, and photographs, created before 1967.

Western Wall”
Etching, 3 colors, Size A2
By Nurit Manor, June 2023
Based on a painting by Bernatz, 1839
Etching Center Kibbutz Cabri, Israel

Walling Wall – Silkscreen by Nurit Manor

Western Wall”
Silkscreen, 3 colors, Size A3
By Nurit Manor, June 2023
Based on a painting by Bernatz, 1839
Hamelaha Silkscreen Printing studio, Tel Aviv

Raising the issue for the right to pray without a partition, Women became one of the center of attention in this Project.

Western Wall and a Woman”
Silkscreen, 2 colors
By Nurit Manor, Sep. 2023
Based on a painting byBernatz, 1839
Print Club London
Hope at the Western Wall 1″
Silkscreen, 7 colors
By Nurit Manor, Sep. 2023
Based on a painting by Bernatz, 1839
Print Club London
Hope at the Western Wall 2″
Silkscreen, 7 colors
By Nurit Manor, Sep. 2023
Based on a painting by Bernatz, 1839
Print Club London

Art Projects Thoughts on Art etc. Uncategorized

The Reservist – Silkscreen

This silkscreen is dedicated with love, thanks and support – to the Reservists that walked with flags during the long months of demonstrations. [January – Oct. 2023]

The Reservists – Silkscreen Print – 5 colors

“The Reservist”
Oct. 2023
Print Club London

The Reservists are ordinary people, humble, natural leaders that stand for the good of the nation and its people. I have great respect for them.

The Reservist” [Painting]
April 2023
Acrylic on canvas, 70 * 100 cm

I painted the painting above, during April 2023, embracing the lonely position of the reservist, most of them family men, professionals, that stood firm week by week, for months, at the stormy country of Israel.

Stages in printing

Just Blue
Adding natural tone and Khaki
An experiment on full process

Art Projects Thoughts on Art etc. Uncategorized

The Flag – הדגל

Demonstration by the Knesset in Jerusalem. 18 March 2023.
We are demonstrating to protect our democracy!
Acrylic and Crayons on canvas. 70*100 cm

The fiscal flag is a piece of cloth or material attached to a pole.

The Metaphysical flag is the sign, symbol that represents and symbolizes a given Nation, Government or Idea.

We were raised by the well known saying ״It is Good to Die for Our Country”, ״טוב למות בעד ארצנו!״in connotation to our land and flag. These words in the collective memory are associated with “Trumpeldor” the hero and “Tel Hai” in the Galilee.

With that collective idea in mind – “It is good to Die for our country”, I created “The Bleeding Red Flag” – by attaching 40 meter long Red Flag, bleeding at the end and integrating into the ground. Exhibited at “Anti War” exhibition 1978, London.

The Bleeding Red Flag“.
40 meter long flag bleeding to the ground. The “Anti War” exhibition 1978
Cover of “The Russian Revolution 1917-1945”, By Anthony D’Agostino

The Red Flag was a major player at the The Russian Revolution, 1917

Flags of countries at the UN House in New York.

The National Flag is displayed in various Important places. The Metaphysical idea of The Flag carries the Nation’s pride.

“The Flag”, Collage-painting, 1978

״The FLAG״ painting-collage, was displayed in Revensbourn college of Art & Design, London, in “Anti War” exhibition. 1978. ״The FLAG״ represented as a prime Form-Symbol in the Anti Warexhibition.

Carrying a flag can “cover” the eyes and the vision…

‘Idolatry’, sketch book, 1978

Flag worship can be ‘Idolatry’ as I called it in my sketch book. (1978)

‘War Dance’, sketch book, 1978

Today we are protesting for our Democracy in Israel, and again ‘The Flag‘ is the major player.

Demonstration at 10 Downing St. London. 24 March 2023
Netanyahu meeting Rishi – the British PM
Demonstration in Tel Aviv. 17 March 2023
Draft of “Field of Flags”
Close up – “Field of Flags”
(Between the flags and the people A Camera is searching for the leaders…)
“Field of Flags”, 23 March 2023
Acrylic and pastels on canvas. 100 * 70 cm
Art Exhibition Art Projects

“State of Emergency”

March 2023

״מצב חירום״

A state of emergency has been in place in Israel from the day it was declared, May 19, 1948 until today.

A state of emergency gives the Knesset or the government the authority to allow the government to implement unique arrangements – emergency regulations, sometimes while proportionately infringing fundamental freedoms.

The law does not define reference scenarios which, given their realization, would allow the Knesset or the government to establish emergency regulations. (Wikipedia)

“State of Emergency” 18.3.2023
Work in Progress

In these difficult times of dramatic changes of the regime and the laws in Israel, everyone clings to symbols. The blue and white Israeli flag with the Star of David in the center became the symbol of the masses. Everyone carried a flag and went out into the streets.

Kaplan St. Tel Aviv 18.3.2023

There was even a symbolic feeling that the flag and the Star of David will protect the people in times of need as in the Biblical Times. Indeed, young people were seen holding the flag made of simple cloth in-front of their faces as a protector from the sprayed huge hoses of water at them.

A sprinkler sprays on protesters in Jerusalem 2020.
Adaptation: Olivier Fitussy, Flash/90

The Flag and the Star of David as a symbol – protecting the people and a physical tool for expression.

Demonstration in Jerusalem – people and flags. 27.3.2023
Haharetz, front page

The “Economist”, one of the most important newspapers in the world, uses the Star of David as a symbol of Israel, comes out with a sharp cover against the legal reform in Israel, with the headline “Will Bibi dismantle Israel?”

The “Economist”, uses the Star of David as a symbol of Israel, 16.3.2023

Stages in my work: Drawings and than searching for found object of wood to put together the Star of David under suppressed area, as in our lives. Also assumable simple humble wood to create the star.

Star of David Handcuffed 21.2.2023
Stages of work

Searching the right BLUE colour and the proper size.

The shades of gray represents the mental stages of the nation and of the individual suffering.

At this time and stage the Star of David and Democracy are trapped by evil forces.

We will continue to demonstrate!

We will not give up democracy and our individual freedom!

We’ll return of the honor and pride of the symbol of Jewish freedom – The Star of David.

“State of Emergency”
Star of David and our Democracy are trapped 11.2.2023
Drawing on paper A3, crayons, pencils and charcoal
Art Projects

“Political Assassination”

Political Assassination, a sculpture that speaks for itself. In many countries Political Assassination changed history.

In Israel, after the assassination of Prim Minister Izchak Rabin, the country changed with no recognition.

Political Assassination

I created a collection of sculptures called “The Hand of Coincidence”, consisting of 25 individual pieces of art, each encapsulating a different social and political issue. 2014-2018. Political Assassination is one of the sculptures in the project.

“Political Assassination”, a close look – People on the roof.

Asymmetrical deserted wooden cubs found in junkyard draw my attention. That was the begging of a fantastic journey of Social and Political ideas that took forms in wood, metal and paint over 4 years.

Political Assassination. 6.5 * 6.5 * 9 cm.

It took me over 6 months to work on this small cube. I found a cube that had like bullet holes. And that was the trigger! Slowly the cube became the idea. The transformation was completed with lots and lots of layers of paint… and tears.

On one side of the scene – there are bullet holes, blood and tears. Like in real life. On the other side of the scene, sadly, there were some that celebrated.

And the people on the roofs, the crowd, like lost sheep, led by the powers that created and executed ideas that led to the assassination.

The Prime Minister of Israel – Izchak Rabin, was murdered on the 4th of November 1995.

And the country of Israel changed with no recognition.