Painting Thoughts on Art etc.

A search and adventure into the inner truth

Creating – is an endless search and adventure into the inner truth

To express Creation, the Birth of the Worlds – it is parallel to an inner search.

It’s a surprise to me, again and again, to realize that making a painting, creating art, as well as writing, it’s a methodical conscious and unconscious form of search into the inner truth, the inner thoughts; side by side with the urge for adventure. 

Cave painting.
40,000 years old painting or older. (Wikipedia)

From the dawn of humanity human feelings have been expressed in painting, in sculpture – as truth passionate feelings, “experiences of the soul”.

And so, in late 2014, I gave myself a complete freedom – without fear, with no pain, without limits, with no time restrictions, without color limits – I had just one thing in mind – to express my feelings on the subject –  “At the beginning” (Genesis, בראשית).

And I let myself go with that feeling of the heavenly event. 

“In the beginning”, the creation of light

I remember one thing from this event – dizziness! I was eager to express passionately my initial basic feelings, wanted to sacrifice my logical thoughts for the sake of letting go, but what I felt was – dizziness. 😮

As soon as I let myself “to loose the ground”, I went into kind of ecstasy and the colors themselves led me.

Creation. The birth of the worlds

The essence of life is expressed in art, by art; it is impossible to separate them from one anther.