
The Hand of Coincidence

I created 25 minimalist sculptures, in cube forms, that raises topics on social, political and environmental issues.

Enclosing some sculptures in the project. Some other are in previous posts.

Earth’s Treasures
אוצרות האדמה

It took me four blessed years to work on the project, 2014 – 2018.

Oceans Against Plastic
אוקינוס נגד פלסטיק

All the wooden cubes are found objects. The cubes are fortunate now to have another life, as sculptures; carrying important messages.

With a stroke of paint, in black, red, turquoise etc., the themes are revealed to the world to attract the attention of the people, so these important subjects can be dealt with.

Bloody Shoe Sole
סוליה מדממת

It was a challenge to incorporate subliminal social messages, universal concepts and social issues in small wooden cubes, to create meaningful minimalistic work.


These ideas have been bubbling in my head for a while. They got a form & shape and grow out to be a new form from each cube, and the subject matter became one with the cube. In a way, each cube’s unique form, character and texture leads me.

Distance the State of Mind from Conflict, War
להרחיק הלך רוח מעימות, ממלחמה

I sand, scrub and polish each cube, to reveal the beauty of the wood, the texture and its specific qualities.

Homage to Creativity
מחווה ליצירתיות

Each cube represents a universal subject.

Coca Cola Status
סטטוס קוקה קולה

Each cube slowly reveals its secrets to me. Some were nearly in perfect form but the wood was painted brutally, covering its qualities. Others, their ugly form and deformed shape inspired me to bring up ideas I wanted to present.

Longing for Mars
ערגה למאדים

Wood, metal, acrylic, oil, tar, plastic, varnish. Sizes of cubes vary between 7 – 10 cm².