“Neighbourhood & Tricycle” is one from a series of paintings – “Neighbourhood, Girl’s school”, which I created in London in 2021.
I came to London for a short visit, but my trip lengthened due to the coronavirus lockdown. I found myself spending much time in my AirBnB. Looking out through the back window, I was exposed to a new world, and I was inspired to create a series of paintings, the “Neighbourhood” [stamford Hill, London].
The changes in color that took place outside, day by day, hour by hour, captivated me. There was a schoolyard that felt as if it was trapped by the houses around it.
״Neighbourhood,” my initial acquaintance with the world outside my window (Stamford Hill). It was as if I had just met a new friend.
“Neighbourhood & Tricycle,” A child’s tricycle caught my eye. It had been left in the schoolyard, and the sky and houses around it were smiling. (Top pic.)
“Neighbourhood & Girl Jumping on Rope,” was created when I saw a young girl jumping rope in the schoolyard under a dreamy sky.
“Hey, who’s the new one in our Neighbourhood?,” a painting I made when I saw the surprised look on the girls’ faces at the schoolyard, who looked at me, as I was looking at them.
“Snow in my Neighbourhood,” is a quick painting I did at the sight of the first snowfall in London.
Working on these paintings filled me with joy.