
The Hand of Coincidence

I created 25 minimalist sculptures, in cube forms, that raises topics on social, political and environmental issues. Enclosing some sculptures in the project. Some other are in previous posts. It took me four blessed years to work on the project, 2014 – 2018. All the wooden cubes are found objects. The cubes are fortunate now…


Expressive Cuts

Linoleum cuts Enclosed a selection of works from different times.


1984 = 2020

Primary – the life of an individual is most important. The Corona crisis in the Western countries and in Israel, has been characterized primarily as a health crisis, with scientific aspects and economic consequences.  The political crisis emerging under the health and economic crisis has no less serious consequences than the consequences of the Corona…

Art Projects Uncategorized

“The Hand of Coincidence” Dakar

Dakar – in memory of our lost submarine Every year, on January 25th, we try to find solace on the anniversary date of the disappearance of the Israeli submarine, the Dakar. The submarine was lost, literally and figuratively, in 1968, along with her crew of 69 sailors. The years pass, but the memory of them, our loved ones, remains in…


Chicken in Mustard + Green Salad

What we eat – Is what we are Keeping our good health in mind There are days that if we do not have delicious food at hand and noting was especially prepared for us by a cook, so we’ll eat just anything… These days are Holidays and it’s easy to sin… with the special festivity Jewish foods. That’s way we…