Art Exhibition

“Anti War” Show

Graduation Exhibition at Ravensbourne College of Art, London 1978

By: Nurit Manor

It is customary to say “At dawn one can see the coming day”, and so this time I am writing about my graduation exhibition at Ravensbourne College of Art, London in 1978.

After so many years, I can say that in many ways the Anti War Show of 1978 reflects to this day my work, my ideas.

Anti War Show. 1978
Graffiti wall “No Polaris”.
Black metal bars = Statue of Submarine.
(Top left) Fiberglass flag waving on to Sub.
(Top right) Large silk screen print “People”, on canvas.
(Up front) Anti-War manifesto-flag, in glass box.

The theme of my exhibition was “Anti War”. The show included different types of works – Large paintings, Submarine sculpture, Silk screen prints, Outdoor display and Written manifest as art-work.
Already in my second year in college, I insisted on making a short film (8 mm, 22 minutes) which was indirectly related to the same subject matter of Anti War – “Manna” (Looking for a leader).

At that exhibition, and over the years, I realize that I choose the materials to work with – according to the subject matter (for good or for bad 😊), and try not to “stick” to one form of art.  

Black Metal bars = Statue of Submarine 2 meters high
(Top) Fiberglass flag waving
(Background) Graffiti wall “No Polaris”

The works in the Anti War exhibition included very large iron bars of 2 meters high, that symbolize a submarine – THE symbol of weapon of war. The statue of the submarine in its symbolic-minimalist form was chosen for several reasons: These were the years when “Polaris” ballistic missiles were provided on submarine-based as nuclear weapons systems. 1968-1996
Also at the time, there were many demonstrations and marches against the Polaris. In addition, on a personal level, my husband was missing, with a crew of 69 Israeli soldiers of The Dakar submarine, that went missing in the Mediterranean during the Cold War.

Nothing Changed – Weapon is most important!

General Look at the exhibition + Flag (right up)
WE NEED YOU! Polaris.

The main theme of the exhibition was “The Flag”.
The flag was introduced in the exhibition in many forms – A fiberglass flag, colorless and without a nationalistic identity, waving on a minimalistic submarine-sculpture.

The Flag. Collage.

A painting of a patriot man proudly carried a national flag, being so eager carrying the flag that it covered also his eyes.

Outdoor display flag, 40 meters long – whose beginning was proudly waving high but at the end it sunk deep in the ground in a pool of blood. That flag in a way summed up the exhibition.

And an Anti-War manifesto-flag, in which the text is embedded in English and Hebrew. The flag was placed in a glass box. (see below)

Unfortunately and strangely enough the Anti-War manifesto-flag, was stolen from the exhibition.

Anti-War manifesto-flag
Blood Border, Silk Screen, 1978

נוהגים לומר “עם עלות השחר רואים את היום כולו״, וכך אני כותבת הפעם על תערוכת הסיום שלי  בקולג׳ ריבנסבורן בלונדון, 1978, תערוכה אשר משקפת במידה רבה את עבודתי עד היום.
נושא ​תערוכת הסיום היה – “אנטי מלחמה”, שכלל סוגים שונים של עבודות – ציורים, ​פסל, ​ הדפס​י משי, ​עבודה גדולה מחוץ לכותלי הקולג׳ ומניפסט כתוב כעבודת אמנות – בעברית ואנגלית.
כבר בשנה השנייה בקולג ‘התעקשתי להכין סרט קצר (2 דקות) שקשור .”Manna” (מחפש מנהיג)

למדתי שלאורך השנים אני בוחרת את החומרים לעבודותי בהתאמה לאופי הנושא, ומשתדלת לא “להיצמד” לצורת אמנות אחת

העבודות בתערוכה כללו – פסל מיריעות ברזל גדולות, בגובה 2 מטר, שהיו כסמל לצוללת – סמל נשק המלחמה. פסל הצוללת בצורתו הסמלית-מינימליסטית נבחר מכמה סיבות: אלה היו השנים בהן סופקו טילים בליסטיים “פולאריס”, מערכות נשק גרעיניות לצוללות.
כמו גם, באותה עת היו הפגנות וצעדות רבות בלונדון ובאנגליה נגד טילי ה״פולריס״. ובנוסף, ברמה האישית, בעלי היה אחד מ- 69 נעדרי הצוללת דקר, שנעלמה בים התיכון במהלך המלחמה הקרה.

הנושא המרכזי של התערוכה היה “הדגל״
הדגל הוצג בצורות רבות – דגל פיברגלס, חסר צבע וללא זהות לאומית, שהתנופף על פסל הצוללת המינימליסטית
ציור של פטריוט נושא בגאווה דגל לאומי, ובהיותו כה להוט, הדגל מכסה גם את עיניו
דגל שהתנוסס מחוץ לכותלי הקולג׳, באורך 40 מטר, שבתחילתו מתנפנף גבוה בגאווה אך בסופו שקוע באדמה רווייה בדם
דגל-מניפסט אנטי מלחמתי, בו מוטבע טקסט באנגלית ובעברית. הדגל הונח בתוך קופסת זכוכית (בתמונה למעלה)

באופן מפתיע ומאכזב דגל-המניפסט האנטי מלחמתי נגנב מקופסת הזכוכית

Coincidence Project


The Global Beauty Queen

Computers” is one of a collection of sculptures I created, called “The Hand of Coincidence”.

It consist of 25 individual pieces, each encapsulating a different social and political issue. 2014-2018. Computers is like the ‘beauty queen’ of the project.😊

Computers. Wood & computer junk. 6.5 * 6.5 * 9 cm.

Computers consists our lives – private, public, academic, business, and government networks, all are in one way or another – global, but deals about us, of us – the citizens of the world.
And WE, or precisely most of us, cannot see our lives without Computers – The Global Beauty Queen.

Our life is transformed via the Computers. All the information resources and services are passing on in the computer channels, means that The World Wide Web (WWW), consist of all our global electronic mail, telephones, and file sharing. Bulks of our information is stored on the computers & on clouds.

The global beauty queen Computers

As the net grows bigger and bigger, we feel in some ways, smaller and smaller.

The best side of ‘Global Beauty Queen’ sculpture, Ha Ha

It took me months until a wooden cube in an abandoned yard “caught” my eye and joined the team of “The Hand of Coincidence” – to become the Computer sculpture.

Computer, The Global Beauty Queen!

Art Projects

“Political Assassination”

Political Assassination, a sculpture that speaks for itself. In many countries Political Assassination changed history.

In Israel, after the assassination of Prim Minister Izchak Rabin, the country changed with no recognition.

Political Assassination

I created a collection of sculptures called “The Hand of Coincidence”, consisting of 25 individual pieces of art, each encapsulating a different social and political issue. 2014-2018. Political Assassination is one of the sculptures in the project.

“Political Assassination”, a close look – People on the roof.

Asymmetrical deserted wooden cubs found in junkyard draw my attention. That was the begging of a fantastic journey of Social and Political ideas that took forms in wood, metal and paint over 4 years.

Political Assassination. 6.5 * 6.5 * 9 cm.

It took me over 6 months to work on this small cube. I found a cube that had like bullet holes. And that was the trigger! Slowly the cube became the idea. The transformation was completed with lots and lots of layers of paint… and tears.

On one side of the scene – there are bullet holes, blood and tears. Like in real life. On the other side of the scene, sadly, there were some that celebrated.

And the people on the roofs, the crowd, like lost sheep, led by the powers that created and executed ideas that led to the assassination.

The Prime Minister of Israel – Izchak Rabin, was murdered on the 4th of November 1995.

And the country of Israel changed with no recognition.

Art Projects Uncategorized

“The Hand of Coincidence” Dakar

Dakar – in memory of our lost submarine

Every year, on January 25th, we try to find solace on the anniversary date of the disappearance of the Israeli submarine, the Dakar. The submarine was lost, literally and figuratively, in 1968, along with her crew of 69 sailors. The years pass, but the memory of them, our loved ones, remains in our hearts forever.

The mystery of what happened to the Dakar can’t be described better than with these words : Lost by the the Hand of Coincidence.

In 2017, I created the “DAKAR” sculpture, as one of a collection of sculptures called “The Hand of Coincidence”, consisting of 25 individual pieces of art, each encapsulating a different social and political issue. 2014-2018.

I created one specific piece to honor the Dakar Submarine. 

My husband, First Sergeant Dan Manor, was one of the lost crew members.

Each year, we remember the loss of the Dakar, our missing submarine

“Dakar” Wood and Steel

in 2018, the 50th anniversary of the disappearance of the Dakar, each family received a special medal in remembrance of their loved one.

The Medal was designed by Nurit Manor in honor of the crew and her late husband.

Dan Manor דן מנור ז״ל

A rare and complete film (16 mm) of the Dakar submarine and crew, departing from Portsmouth Port, England, on January 9, 1968.

No sound. (restored 2021).

Authentic last photos of the Dakar crew on its men.


About writing ״The English School״

 I need some extra courage to expose myself to write about some of the ‘adventures’ I had in writing my book – The English School… and I did.

In fact, at the time I was busy writing another book (still in my drawer), but one night I envisioned the story of a woman who travels to South America following an add she founds in the Internet. So, for six years, I lived a double life, one of my own, and the one led by the story.

אוקלנד, ניו זילנד Auckland, New Zealand
אוקלנד, ניו זילנד Auckland, New Zealand

My heroine’s name was Naomi at first, but in a cruel and unpredictable event (for me), I had to say goodbye to that name and find her a new name. Just before closing my book and sending it to the printers, I realise that Naomi is the heroine’s name of a new book just published by Shay Sarid “The Kindergarten of Naomi”. Sadly I had to say bye to my Naomi, but luckily I found Daphne, the heroine of my book, which was positioned perfectly in the story. 🙂

The book cover in English, but the book is not translated yet.
The book cover in English, but the book is not translated yet

The book was written just about as a spirit forced me to write it, I’ll say with great caution. Chance and Karma are involved in the making of the book, as in the story itself. Another important detail is, the book was born in a far away country, in New Zealand. It is interesting to acknowledge that a book has a life and history of its own, completely independent, with no connection to the story and life of the writer. In my case there is even a country of the birth place, and a date of birth. “The English School” was born in Auckland, New Zealand, on February 8, 2008.

I visited New Zealand as my son Arnon was working on the film “The Warrior’s Way”. His home was ideal for writing, bright rooms in a luxury apartment, with windows overlooking the leisure boats and harbour of Auckland. New Zealand’s sunsets were the most beautiful I’ve ever seen.

גשר אוקלנד בשקיעה, ניו זילנד Auckland Bridge at sunset, NZ
גשר אוקלנד בשקיעה, ניו זילנד
Auckland Bridge at sunset, NZ

At that time I was writing another book that I began a few months earlier. One night I found myself like in a dream; Physical sensed reality and dream twilight together. And here I come to be in an isolated school in Peru, in South America. Suddenly I was involved in that mystical vision, in the history of a woman who left everything in her home country (Israel), disappointed and discouraged from her life after her husband left her for a younger woman, and I flew with her to an unknown path. Led by her, as she sat on me like a spirit to write her story. I had to move everything aside and write the story of this woman! The English School itself, although was located in a remote area of ​​Peru, universal Anthroposophic ideas were the base of it’s teachings, influenced by Rudolf Steiner, the founder and developer of these ideas. The school philosophy conducted me, revealing itself to me slowly and I learned all about it and acknowledged it. I was led forward in the darkness and inside the story by it. My heroine actually pushed aside wildly the book I was writing earlier, and so in full bluster, full awareness and curiosity we speed together, devoted myself to it, and to her.

פרחי הקנטוטה, סקיצה ראשונה Cantuta Flowers
פרחי הקנטוטה, סקיצה ראשונה
Cantuta Flowers, first draft

Passive responsiveness and dedication became like an obsession, it pre occupied me full time day & night. Every day after reading the pages I had written the day before, I was barely satisfied, but the story grew and evolved in joy, and it was thrilling.

I realise I wrote some wonderful manifestations, the plot developed well and the language was rich. Writing and repairing; Writing, erasing and correcting and writing again. Weaving the story in words and language was slow task and precise, putting extra attention to the safeguarding of sound, like in music with it’s own rhythm.

Humbly and modestly I’ll say with great respect to the writer Shay Agnon, that I identify with him – he who said – he was happy about every page he writes using the Holy Old Hebrew language “…And I will give my soul away for it!” And I clung to this idea, knowingly or not.

ציפור שיר בשמורת האי רנג׳יטוטו, בניו זילנד, Rangitoto Island NZ Photo: 8 Feb. 2008
ציפור שיר בשמורת האי רנג׳יטוטו, בניו זילנד, Singing Bird, Rangitoto Island NZ
Photo: 8 Feb. 2008

So much for today. I will continue to tell you all about the wonders of my writing expedition next time.