
Moods in the Living Room

Genesis, Nudity, King Bibi

A year ago, on the 3rd of March 2020 my work attended a group exhibition in Tel Aviv, Israel.

As we had 3 elections in 2 years time, I thought that a topic from our impossible political situation will be most appropriate for the exhibition titled: “That makes me lough”.

King Bibi, in the opening group exhibition “That makes me lough”, 3.3.2020
Ben Ami Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel

The idea to create a “window” in which to present current issues, started in 2013. I built a real metal window and wooden shutters with the possibility of placing different pictures that can go in & out and be exchanged.

The window was presented in a solo exhibition on 2014, By Albert Choen, actor.

The window was first shown in my solo exhibition on 2014 at Bet Panorama, Tel Aviv. The look of the real window that can change pictures lit a surprised-smile on many faces.

Closed Window

The window can be closed when needed, such as the sacred icon boxes in Europe and personal religious cabinets in the Far East.

The window with changing images at the opening of the exhibition, 2020

In 2019-2020 with 3 elections in a row, as we were breathing politics & news from heads to toes, I felt it was necessary to present it visually – by creating one work – Moods in The Living Room – with the main characters in our lives – Genesis, Nudity, King Bibi.

Genesis, Nudity, King Bibi – These are the three main issues we are concerned with

King Bibi

Now we are facing the 4th election on 23.3.2021. And so again the three main issues that we are concerned with are – Genesis, Nudity, King Bibi.


At this time at list we the artists are required to bring a smile and humor to the hearts with art.

I do hope that soon we’ll be able to change the images where beauty, peace and love will unite us, and they will be the main issues in our lives.


The Hand of Coincidence

I created 25 minimalist sculptures, in cube forms, that raises topics on social, political and environmental issues.

Enclosing some sculptures in the project. Some other are in previous posts.

Earth’s Treasures
אוצרות האדמה

It took me four blessed years to work on the project, 2014 – 2018.

Oceans Against Plastic
אוקינוס נגד פלסטיק

All the wooden cubes are found objects. The cubes are fortunate now to have another life, as sculptures; carrying important messages.

With a stroke of paint, in black, red, turquoise etc., the themes are revealed to the world to attract the attention of the people, so these important subjects can be dealt with.

Bloody Shoe Sole
סוליה מדממת

It was a challenge to incorporate subliminal social messages, universal concepts and social issues in small wooden cubes, to create meaningful minimalistic work.


These ideas have been bubbling in my head for a while. They got a form & shape and grow out to be a new form from each cube, and the subject matter became one with the cube. In a way, each cube’s unique form, character and texture leads me.

Distance the State of Mind from Conflict, War
להרחיק הלך רוח מעימות, ממלחמה

I sand, scrub and polish each cube, to reveal the beauty of the wood, the texture and its specific qualities.

Homage to Creativity
מחווה ליצירתיות

Each cube represents a universal subject.

Coca Cola Status
סטטוס קוקה קולה

Each cube slowly reveals its secrets to me. Some were nearly in perfect form but the wood was painted brutally, covering its qualities. Others, their ugly form and deformed shape inspired me to bring up ideas I wanted to present.

Longing for Mars
ערגה למאדים

Wood, metal, acrylic, oil, tar, plastic, varnish. Sizes of cubes vary between 7 – 10 cm².


Expressive Cuts

Linoleum cuts

Enclosed a selection of works from different times.

Sandy. 1981
Next door neighbor . 1981

The Fly. 2016

Love to death. 2017

Rishikesh. 2019

1984 = 2020

Primary – the life of an individual is most important.

The Corona crisis in the Western countries and in Israel, has been characterized primarily as a health crisis, with scientific aspects and economic consequences. 

The political crisis emerging under the health and economic crisis has no less serious consequences than the consequences of the Corona itself. 

1984 = 2020
Acrylic and black oil ink on paper. 60 * 60 cm.
Work created: 23 March 2020. Massive Corona outbreak round the world.

Under the health crisis that the Western democracies have taken on to, a public & political crisis has also been revealed.

Extraordinary powers that the public gives to its governments, must serve only the purpose for which they were given: suppressing the disease in Corona and balancing the other violations of individual rights created as a result.

A close up of an elderly demonstrator (Top right)
1984 = 2020

The Corona crisis created in some countries “legal” circumstances for “temporary” emergency laws that restricts civil rights on the pretext of the “public good”. Also created an unequal enforcement between different populations. 

The excuse of spreading the virus deprives the individual citizen of his civil rights, allowing the government and the state to enforce civil laws while the citizens are mentally and physically in weak condition.

Hand – Identification and a signature of personality of a person
(Bottom middle)
1984 = 2020

Individual rights Should be kept at all times and at the times of Corona plague.

Tomer Ganun from Calcalist newspaper: 23.3.2020

Tomer Ganun from Calcalist; Israeli newspaper: 23.3.2020 (Above)

Individual rights do not “survive” through the Corona plague.

Protecting the rights of the individual is not a privilege in an emergency. On the contrary, it is mandatory. The bridle must not be removed. Supervision of the information collected about us, the citizens and its use.

The balance between preserving the public and preserving its right to privacy must not be compromised. Giving up here is dangerous and doomed to disaster. It gives wide discretion to various parties – the Shaback (Secret police), the Police, the Ministry of Health – who may abuse their power in the name of protecting the public.

My work is inspired by: Guernica by Picasso & 1984, A Novel by George Orwell

Painting Thoughts on Art etc.

A search and adventure into the inner truth

Creating – is an endless search and adventure into the inner truth

To express Creation, the Birth of the Worlds – it is parallel to an inner search.

It’s a surprise to me, again and again, to realize that making a painting, creating art, as well as writing, it’s a methodical conscious and unconscious form of search into the inner truth, the inner thoughts; side by side with the urge for adventure. 

Cave painting.
40,000 years old painting or older. (Wikipedia)

From the dawn of humanity human feelings have been expressed in painting, in sculpture – as truth passionate feelings, “experiences of the soul”.

And so, in late 2014, I gave myself a complete freedom – without fear, with no pain, without limits, with no time restrictions, without color limits – I had just one thing in mind – to express my feelings on the subject –  “At the beginning” (Genesis, בראשית).

And I let myself go with that feeling of the heavenly event. 

“In the beginning”, the creation of light

I remember one thing from this event – dizziness! I was eager to express passionately my initial basic feelings, wanted to sacrifice my logical thoughts for the sake of letting go, but what I felt was – dizziness. 😮

As soon as I let myself “to loose the ground”, I went into kind of ecstasy and the colors themselves led me.

Creation. The birth of the worlds

The essence of life is expressed in art, by art; it is impossible to separate them from one anther.